Sources" are usually, but not exclusively, Funeral Directors.
They play a very important role in our "Aftercare"
First of all, the Name Source is our initial point of contact
to, and entry into a community.
In order to help
us to set up the program, they aid us in the selection of
the sponsors to be invited to participate on the program and
provide us with references to these community minded business
Once the program is installed, the Funeral Directors continue to play
an important role by providing the essential information we need to
recognize each bereaved family to be served and to send them their
copy of "Lift Up Thine Eyes" in a timely manner.
In turn, there are a
number of benefits, which accrue to the Funeral Director.
By displaying the volume prominently in his lobby or by showing
it to the family when they visit the funeral home, he will be providing
to the bereaved a lasting keepsake to help cope with their loss.
They also decide to which family member the volume should be directed.
The Funeral Director
is also able to safeguard the integrity of this high quality "Aftercare"
program by personally selecting those businesses which are invited
to participate.
Contemporary Concepts o PO Box 669084 o Charlotte,
North Carolina, 28266-9084
(704) 864-9572 Fax: (704) 861-8822
Copyright © 2002 Contemporary Concepts