program is outstanding"
Schoenberger Funeral Home
Perham, MN
"Best response
from any program we ever participated in."
Crowder-Hite-Crews Funeral Home
South Hill, VA
"Very pleased
with the responses. The sponsors say it is the best money
they ever spent. Love internet (capability)."
Dennis Funeral Homes
Waterville, MN

Click for view of entire photo
"Of the marketing/customer appreciation
programs that we have participated in, this is by far the most
acknowledged by our customers"
Glenda Johnson - Vice President
Bank of Eufaula
Eufaula, Oklahoma
"Families love
to receive the book"
Maggard Brothers Funeral Home
Hazard, KY
"We are entering our 5th year of the
program. We have received many thank you notes of gratitude from the
bereaved families in the area. Thank you for calling on us to
participate in this valuable program."
Mark A. Olson
State Farm Insurance
Shelby, Montana
"More positive
responses than any program we have participated in"
Peacock Funeral Home
Lamar, CO
"Our facility has been participating in your
program "Lift Up Thine Eyes" for 16 years. I consistently receive
very sincere thank you notes from family members who have received
this book and how much they appreciated it at their time of need."
Cassie Leatherman
Marketing/Public Relations Director
Integris Blackwell Regional Hospital
Blackwell, Oklahoma
"It feels good
to get "Thank you"s from the families. It also lets me
know I've done a good job."
Hollingshead-Beck Funeral Home
West Unity, OH
"One of the best
programs we have ever been part of. Everything is perfect."
Luscan Funeral Home
Unionville, MO
"The book is sent
in a very timely manner. That is so important."
Community National First Bank
Torrington, WY
"Over the past four years we have received a
considerable number of thank you notes and cards of appreciation.
Many of these have been written with much sincerity and emotion. It
is my belief that the cost of the program is well worth the benefits
that the families receive from the book."
James R. Rodgers
Attorney At Law
Blackwell, Oklahoma
"Families really
like the book and we like the program"
Thompson-Wilson Funeral Home
McCrory, AR
"We are proud to
be part of the program. We have many positive responses and feel
we are doing a good service to the community"
Rader Funeral Home
Kilgore, TX
"We just renewed our participation in the
"Lift Up Thine Eyes" book. We have been so pleased to see the heart
felt response to the book.
We received thank you notes from families that are so touched that
this book was given in memory of their loved ones."
Rena Bulsterbaum
Suncrest Realty, Inc.
Deming, New Mexico
Concepts PO Box 669084 Charlotte, North Carolina,
(704) 864-9572 Fax: (704) 861-8822
Copyright © 2002 Contemporary